Saturday, January 19, 2008


Ay, what an amazing day! We had our first school trip today to Segovia, which is about 1.5 hours from here by bus. It is a beautiful little place and I took so many pictures! (They will be on webshots as soon as my laptop finds a good wireless connection!)

In Segovia we saw incredible aqueducts, we went to a very old and beautiful little church, to the Cathedral of Segovia, and to the Alzcazar Castle. The Cathedral was gigantic--very beautiful and very moving. The Castle was also breathtaking...after all, it is amongst the castles that inspired Cinderella´s castle at Disneyworld! We also did some shopping at some very cute stores--I bought postcards, a bracelet, a very pretty necklace, and a new scarf! All in all, it was a successful day.

Back in Valladolid, things are going well. I have been having some trouble with my knees but all in all, life is good. I am acquiring a taste for beer and lemon/lime soda (coming from Wisconsin, I feel like that should be easier than it is!) but I definitely prefer the hot chocolate--it´s thicker than pudding! And it´s served in bars! Definitely more my style!

Next weekend I am headed with some friends to Toledo, and then the weekend after that I am spending a 5 day weekend in Brussels and Amsterdam with two wonderful friends. I will keep everyone updated!

Pictures will be posted soon! Hasta luego, and GO PACKERS!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Allison! Sounds like you're having a great time. I heard breakfast in Spain is excellent for chocolate/sweets addicts ;)