Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Finally, a working computer!

So here I am. Spain! I have been here since Sunday and am finally starting to feel like myself again! The flight and all of the traveling it took to get here went pretty smoothly, my luggage ws with me at the end and I was somehow still awake after a good 30-some hours!

I live with a host family--a mom, Leonisa, and a dad, Nicar. They are older and retired, and they have a daughter, a son-in-law, and a grandson who live in a different city. They don´t go out to often, so mostly they are just at home cooking, cleaning, and watching telenovelas. :) It had been hard for me to get used to the meal times, we eat breakfast around 8, lunch at 2 or 2:30, and dinner at 8. I get very hungry! It has not, however, been hard to get used to the built-in afternoon nap!

My classes started today--we are divided into groups and there are probably about 15 people in my group. We will have classes all semester with this group, and we will also take trips on weekends with them, to other cities and to major landmarks or historic sites in the region. On a typical day, I will have class from 9:30 until 2ish, and then once a week I will have class again from 4 until 5 or 6. My professors seem very nice and approachable. As far as I understand, they teach only foreign students, so they are used to all the troubles we are facing.

My time is running out on this internet cafe computer, but once I have my own laptop up and running with the wireless at the university, it should be more convenient to update. I hope all is well in the U.S., or wherever you may be!

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