Monday, January 14, 2008

a bit of an update

OK, so first of all--my pictures on Webshots (the link posted below) now have captions, in the form of comments I wrote on them. I couldn't figure out how to go back and make captions once the album was created! But anyway, they are all explained now.

So, one week has already passed! It was a slow week, but I have a feeling that now the pace will pick up and time will begin to fly. This week was a lot of settling in and finding a good routine, but now the weekend trips will begin (we go to Segovia on Saturday), our own traveling will begin (our first "vacation" days are February 4th and 5th), and life will be busy. As of right now, I am planning to go to Amsterdam and Belgium on those vacation days. It is the weekend of Carnaval--or Mardi Gras, as it's better known in the U.S.--and instead of going to the Canary Islands where all the festivities are, we would like to go other places instead.

I have eaten many interesting things this week--calamari being one of them. Many times I have no idea what I'm eating, but it tastes good, so I just don't ask! I worry that if I know what some of it is, I won't want to eat it anymore! So far, my favorite meal is breakfast, and my favorite food that my mom has made is a fried ham and cheese sandwhich. Very tasty. On my way to school I pass a lot of pastry stores that are just opening for the day and they smell SO good, but I have yet to stop at one. There are so many new foods to try!

Well, that is all for now. A little boring, but I have a meeting with a professor visiting from UWEC at 1:50.

Hasta luego!

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