Sunday, March 2, 2008

...and everything changes

Tonight, my roommate and I have to move to a host family. We thought that we were in the clear, and our host dad is having surgery tomorrow, so we were sure that he would have the surgery, recover, and then things would be back to normal. Our host mom told us on Thursday that she feels too bad that she isn't able to care for us (cooking, doing laundry, etc.) and that we would, indeed, need to move. On Friday one of our professors called around and found a family, and tonight we will move.
This is definitely not something that any of us planned for, and it is a very difficult thing to deal with. We love Leo and Nicar and are not interested in going anywhere, but at the same time we understand that what is most comfortable for them is the best decision. There is a chance that when Nicar is recovered, we will be able to return, but it all depends on when that is and how much we like our new family! hehe.
I will post my new address when I know it, and of course I will write about my new family and how the change is going later in the week.

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