Tuesday, March 4, 2008

almost settled in

Ay, how crazy it has been around here!
We moved to a new host family on Sunday night, and I think I am feeling pretty much settled in and comfortable there. It helps that we already know our way around town, and are used to Spanish cuisine. It was still an emotionally (and physically) rough transition, but we have managed and now life continues. One of our professors came to pick us up...in a taxi, and between the both of we had at least four large suitcases, backpacks, bags, and really just a ridiculous amount of things. It was an adventure!
Our new apartment is bigger than the last one, we have our own room and then our own bathroom, as well, which is really nice. My new host parents are Edita and Julio--they are very nice and funny, Julio likes to use English words and also likes for us to teach him new ones. They are about the same age as Leo and Nicar, and have a grown son and daughter and two granddaughters. We eat a lot later now, which is a change--lunch at 3:00 (1:30 with Leo and Nicar) and dinner at 9:30 (7:30 with Leo and Nicar), the last two nights I have been ready to go to bed before we even eat dinner! I will get used to it, though.

My new address is:
Allison Seubert
C/ Panaderos 35, 2A
47004 Valladolid

I am not sure if we will return to Leo and Nicar's house, or if we will stay the remaineder of our time with this family. So far I like them both equally! We haven't heard any news about Nicar's surgery, but as far as we know he did have it yesterday, and we will go visit him sometime this week. They were all very nervous about it, so I hope very much that it went as well as could be expected.
So with that, the move is over, like is back to normal, and exams are already next week! I have to get studying!

Hasta Luego!

Oh! And pictures from Salamanca (and two videos from other things) are on Webshots!

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