Wednesday, May 14, 2008

El Fin (The End)

As extremely hard as it is to believe, I have only two full days left in Valladolid and three full days left in Spain. Three breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners. Two more days with my host family, and two more days traveling all on my own.

And then, I will be home.

This past Saturday Ashley and I went to El Escorial--a gigantic building that was built for King Phillip II in the 16th century, as he was very religious and sure that it was his calling to build a magnificent building for God. If I had gone there earlier in the semester, it still would have been cool, but I am very glad that I waited until I had a full semester of Spanish history behind me before I went to see it, as it was an incredible experience. To see the tombs of Kings that changed the course of Spain's history but also the course of the world's history was definitely something that gave me goosebumps. Even though it rained all day, it was a really cool experience and Ash and I had a lot of fun.

I now have my grammar, literature, oral expression, and history exams behind me, and this afternoon I will take the last two--European Union and Art. So far they've all gone really well, so I'm hoping to keep that up! Tomorrow I will be packing like crazy and returning to school for the very last time to check my grades, and then on Friday we have a graduation ceremony and party. On Saturday I will be in Madrid for the day to go to the Prado and the Reina Sofia Museums, and then spending the night in Madrid before my flight for the States leaves at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday. I am due to arrive to the Appleton airport at 9:16 pm.

I am very excited to come home--to see all my family and friends, to eat on a schedule that I plan, to not have to carry my computer to school everyday, to watch TV in English and be back in the swing of things with US news. I am very sad to leave Valladolid, though. I have really gotten to know this city very well--I see the same people every morning when I walk to school, my host parents feel like my family, I can give someone directions (most of the time) if I'm asked. I will leave a part of my heart here, that's for sure.

I'd like to thank everyone who sent me cards or e-mails or packages while I've been here, or even those who've asked my family how I'm doing or have been reading this blog and looking at pictures. I really appreciate your care and concern, and am excited to get home and tell you stories in person! :)

There are some videos from France up in the "Some interesting videos" album, and there are some pictures of El Escorial up, too. I have a bunch of pictures from Valladolid, but I will probably put those up next week when I am back home.

El fin! Hasta LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS! :)

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