Wednesday, February 20, 2008

how time flies

I definitely planned to be updating this a little more often than I have, but time is going fast and access to the internet is a little more scarce than I had planned! But anyway, here I am with a little bit of an update.

Currently, times are a little tough because my host dad, Nicar, is in the hospital. He's had a really bad pain in his leg for about two weeks now, and went into the hospital on Saturday so that he's there for all the testing they want to do, so that they can give him strong medication, and so he'll be a lot more comfortable than he would be at home. Depending on what the results of his tests are, it is possible that my roommate and I will have to move to a new host family. This would be devastating for us both. We are hoping for Nicar's quick recovery so that he will no longer be in pain and so that we can stay with this family that we've grown to love so much in such a short period of time. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

We took a trip for school this past weekend to the ruins of two different castles and to a museum of Roman Villas, which includes the actual excavated remains of a Roman Villa that dates back to the later period of the Roman Empire (when the Romans lived in this region of Spain). The castles were cool, but not nearly as cool as the Roman Villa! The original mosaics are still on the floors of the villa that has been excavated--it was just incredible. I really enjoyed it. I have a few pictures from the trip but not many, so I will put them up when I get a good selection of pictures from random times and places. Our next school trip is to Salamanca, the weekend after this coming one.

We have two and a half weeks of school left before our week of midterm exams, and then we have two weeks of spring break. I will keep everyone updated about my host dad and about my living situation.

Hasta Luego, and GO BARACK! ;)

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